The Event at King City


Colin Mohammed


August 5/02

Elvin Pompey - TDCA President

Elvin Pompey was walking around with a basket collecting cash donations, here are the facts:

When questioned as to where the money was going to be used, he replied. 'where do you think?' and upon further questioning, he replied in a rather abusive manner, 'that this guy (pointing to me) was against cricket' and that 'the money was going to be used for Canadian Cricket' his responses were loud, obnoxious and in a manner certainly unbeftting an executive officer of the TDCA. I ask you, is this the manner of an executive officer, The President? I would still like to know where the
money is going to be used.

Fear is an instrument of terror. By attempting to instill fear in me, by threating to 'cuff me down' I ask you, what can that possibly achieve? After a lengthy conversation with a constable at York Regional Police, I decided not to lay formal charges, but rather let it rest. Be assured though, that his threat is on record.

He told the public two different stories concerning the use of the money. One was that it was for a man of the match award and/or it will be given to the CCA to be used for 'Cricket development'

Dr Edwards was approached by Mr Pompey to bear witness to my colleague 'counting' the money Dr Edwards told Mr Pompey that he 'should handle it' and walked away.

Both my colleague and I were repeatedly described using very abusive language including cursing, swearing and suggesting that we were fornicating with female dogs. During the entire interchange, or should I say, Mr Pompey's tired tirade, neither I nor my colleague raised our voices or said anything outside of 3 questions asked in a very calm manner.

After I had a lengthy discussion with a Constable via cellphone at the York Regional Police upon the issue of the physical threat. I decided to let the matter rest legally and instead report the matter and let the public know the events as they occurred.

FYI, for those unfamiliar with certain words in Caribbean dicton:
cuff: Pronunciation Key (kf) tr.v. cuffed, cuff·ing, cuffs To strike with or as if with the open hand; slap. n. A blow or slap with the open hand. [Origin unknown.]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


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