CC looking for help (again)

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CC looking for help (again)

Post by timmyj » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:50 am

See CC's advertising for two apparently full time positions. One's for
"Brand and Marketing Manager". Gonna be very interesting to see
who they get for this position given the person they picked for the last
CEO, who had basically the same responsibilities as this new
position, was a total disaster. :oops: :oops: :oops: ICC paying for these positions?

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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by ray » Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:13 pm

Job purpose
The position has day-to-day responsibility for the running of marketing and specified commercial activity, in particular promoting our sport, major international matches, domestic fixtures, and other events. The role also includes the management of the Cricket Canada website and social media platform.

Duties and responsibilities
• Marketing of cricket towards our vision of being a mainstream sport in Canada through development of a marketing and branding plan
Managing and implementing the promotional and marketing strategy for all international and domestic matches and other events staged under the auspices of Cricket Canada
Marketing of match tickets, match day inventory and hospitality
• Working with key Cricket Canada stakeholders, including commercial and Government partners, to raise awareness of their association with cricket and to deliver value to our partners
• Grow online revenues through the relationship with new and existing partners including online advertising, merchandising and travel partners.
• Coordinate the production of all Cricket Canada publications
• Overall responsibility for managing ticketing arrangements for all major home matches and coordinating allocations for overseas events in which Canada participates
• Work closely with organizers when required on event planning and match management and with specified events when necessary
• Work closely with sponsors on activation
Sponsor and donor relationship management
• Other commercial or marketing activity as appropriate or as directed by line manager and Board
• Write press releases as necessary in consultation with Media Manager
• Manage Marketing Budget

Website/Social Media Platform
• Responsible for managing Cricket Canada website and social media platform. This includes responsibility for management of content on website and social media output with responsibility for website contributor resources and relationships with website partners.
• Manage part time Web Editor and Social Media Contributors
• Manage Website Budget

Cricket Canada seeks to fill a new contractual senior position that will act as an advisor to the President and Board on public, corporate and government relations in support of Cricket Canada’s efforts to promote and develop cricket in Canada, and in particular to facilitate implementation of a major capital project (new cricket facility) planned for the near future.

The position will be for one year initially with the possibility of extension for a second year or longer.

The successful candidate should be based in Toronto.

Cricket Canada is committed to establishing and maintaining competitive salaries, reflective of current market conditions. The salary for this position is negotiable, and will be based on the experience that the successful candidate brings to the position.


The selected candidate will:

1. In close collaboration with the President and Board of Directors develop an implementation plan for major capital projects and their efficient delivery, in particular planning for and facilitation of a new cricket facility (Cricket Canada National Stadium) in the Greater Toronto area.
2. Monitor national issues and government policy relevant to Cricket Canada, particularly those relating directly to sport or economic policy relating to Cricket Canada projects; and advise the Board and President.
3. Develop and implement a lobbying and advocacy strategy
4. In collaboration with the Cricket Canada board of directors, support the preparation of advocacy materials, including policy briefs, position papers, communication messages, position statements and any other relevant material.
5. Support Cricket Canada and its agenda through creating, developing and maintaining good relations with the media in Canada.
6. Monitor social movements and related NGOs that are relevant to Cricket Canada and develop relationships as appropriate.
7. Assist in representing Cricket Canada to government at all levels.
8. Inform the President and Board of opportunities and possibilities that may support Cricket Canada’s plans and programmes.
9. Support the branding and marketing efforts of Cricket Canada through identifying high level funding opportunities, and through providing input into proposal development.

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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by ray » Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:29 pm

Got to wonder whether some of the bolded duties of the Brand and Marketing manager are related to the proposed "pro" T20 league. I don't think there is much call for "marketing of match tickets" otherwise in the near-to-medium term. The "Sponsor and donor relationship management" requirement comes a decade late. That was an obvious deficiency in the loss of the ScotiaBank sponsorship.

Managing the CC website and social media was happening back in 2012/2013 and then abandoned with the change in leadership. It's good they realize this to be an important part of promoting the game and gaining corporate sponsorship.
Last edited by ray on Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by Victorian » Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:19 pm

Should I hold my breath waiting for a Cricket Canada National Stadium? A proper international calibre stadium would be good but who would fill the place? There are also the calls for several volunteer committee positions so possibly, and I hope, CC is really getting it together administratively.

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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by timmyj » Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:03 pm

Let's see if CC even announces who they hire...they've been less than
open with their hires in the past.

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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by timmyj » Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:31 pm

Has CC filled the positions? Or is it going to be like the last CEO:
take six months to hire someone.... who then turns out to be a total bust. :o :o :o

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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by timmyj » Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:00 pm

Two months and still no work on who was hired?

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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by ray » Thu May 31, 2018 12:57 pm

I wonder whether these hires have been made yet.

Brand and Marketing Manager
The social media platform is actively promoting GT20 but it is very basic - no interaction with Facebook users. The website is lagging badly behind.

Advisor: Policy and Special Projects
No evidence of this hire being made yet but it is probably too early anyway to be working on the stated duties of the position. Many of those duties would only be relevant if the GT20 tournament is a success and there are actual funds available for Cricket Canada's projects (whatever those are).

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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by timmyj » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:33 am

Are these positions EVER going to be filled???? :? :? :?

Posts: 710
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Re: CC looking for help (again)

Post by Victorian » Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:08 pm

Still no one I guess although I would learn of it on this forum. I just noticed that there is a shop on the CC website. I, at least, had a bit of trouble registering and logging in although that was probably largely my fault. Anyway, it didn't matter because every item is out of stock and the description of one item was not relevant to the product and sort of bizarre. The Fanzone is "under construction". "Brand and Marketing Manager"? Hello?

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