Whitby’s Jediah Navaratne rewarded for tireless work in cricket with trip to Trinidad and Tobago

Brian McNair writes for the Ajax News Advertiser
“It’s a great opportunity. I never expected it, but it’s great to see,” Navaratne said prior to departing. “I’ve put a lot of time into volunteering for the Town of Ajax, dedicated my time to cricket and education in cricket, and it’s great to see the selection as a result of my time and effort.”

Indeed, Navaratne has worked tirelessly to grow the game since he started playing himself about seven years ago.

Not only has he been instrumental in getting a high school team up and running at Sinclair, but he also runs a program out of the Ajax Cricket Club to help educate kids aged five to 15.

“The plan is to start the kids early and make sure that they have a strong understanding of the game at an early age so they can continue in their teenage years,” he explained. “It’s so much easier to teach at a young age. Once you have that basic knowledge of what’s happening, it’s very easy to pick up on.”
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